Provincial Networks
To complement the federal infrastructure, Canadian provinces have deployed their own networks to densify the federal geodetic fabric. They are also actively involved in maintaining and improving their control networks as technology evolves. Provincial geodetic agencies play an important role in adopting a specific NAD83(CSRS) realization, promoting its use within their jurisdiction, advising professional surveyors on best practices, and supporting municipalities. If there are any additional questions regarding map projections and transformations for your province, please contact the appropriate provincial geodetic agency.
The Government of Alberta (GOA) plays the role of coordinator for implementation of the spatial referencing system in Alberta. A combination of public agencies and private GNSS service providers deliver the spatial referencing system to the user. Of note, municipalities maintain the referencing system through their local survey control networks whereas the GOA is responsible for the overall integration and publishing of coordinate and non-coordinate survey control data. GNSS service providers play the role of enhancing the spatial referencing system through delivery of real-time kinematic survey data and other GNSS services.
The Alberta Survey Control (ASC) network is the provincial spatial referencing system’s link to the CSRS. The network consists of approximately 27,500 survey control points distributed province-wide and marked with a numbered brass cap attached to a steel post. Approximately 1,120 of these survey control markers make up the provincial High Precision Network (HPN). The ASC positional data consists of both horizontal and vertical coordinates derived from formal adjustment of the observational data into the provincial spatial referencing system. Coordinates of the survey control markers are published in geographical (latitude and longitude) values and are also available in UTM and/or 3TM mapping plane values. Vertical coordinate values are referenced to CGVD28 and CGVD2013. An interactive map of the ASC network is available at the Spatial Information (SPIN) System website at More information about the ASC network can be found at
Surveying products and services are available from “Alberta Environment and Parks” in this province that can be reached at or more specifically at
British Columbia
GeoBC has the responsibility to create, manage, and provide consultation services on geospatial information and products in British Columbia. The BC Active Control System (BCACS) consists of 21 GNSS stations distributed strategically to provide coverage across the province. Users can access data by completing the application form on this page:
Station information can be viewed at:
GeoBC also has partnerships with the Metro Vancouver Regional District (MVRD) and the Capital Regional District (CRD) whom provide real-time network (RTN) GNSS services over these regions. Users can access the RTK GNSS services through annual or monthly subscriptions. See for information on accessing the MVRD RTN and for information on accessing the CRD RTN.
In addition to the federal and provincial active networks, there are also private GNSS RTN providers that have networks throughout BC: Can-Net, SmartNet and Brandtnet and Topnet
In addition to the active GNSS stations, BC has a passive geodetic network consisting of over 50,000 monuments. These were established mainly for mapping control surveys over the past century. During the 1960's, through a partnership between the provincial government and local governments, the physical control system was extended to developing areas. MASCOT (Management of Survey Control Operations and Tasks) is the database system that contains the survey records for the provincial geodetic infrastructure and also provides published coordinates, elevations and related data for public access and use. An interactive map of BC’s geodetic network can be found at
More generally, surveying products and services are available from the Geo-Spatial Referencing webpage which can be found on BC’s Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD) at
Manitoba maintains a high precision control survey network known as the Manitoba Spatial Reference Network (MSRN) which is integrated into the national Canadian Base Network (CBN) and forms an integral part of the Canadian Spatial Reference System (CSRS). The MSRN consists of 244 GPS derived 3D geodetic survey points referenced to NAD83 (CSRS) epoch 2010.0. A subset of the MSRN known as the Manitoba SuperNet consists of approximately 6500 monuments whose positions were determined by static GNSS survey methods and referenced to NAD83 (CSRS) epoch 2010.0. A legacy network of approximately 4200 monuments whose positions were determined by various terrestrial and early satellite survey methods exists, but is no longer supported by the province and has a current reference of NAD83 (NMIP94). A legacy third-order spirit levelling network of approximately 3368 monuments exists in the southern portion of the province with sparse availability in the north. Elevations are available in both the CGVD28 and CGVD2013 Canadian vertical datums. More information on the spatial referencing program in Manitoba is available at
Data on the MSRN is available in the form a Google Earth KML file or a GIS geo-database GDB file from the Manitoba Land Information (MLI) site at
More generally, surveying products and services are available at
New Brunswick
Following an amendment to the Surveys Act in 1999, the Province of New Brunswick became the first in Canada to officially adopt the NAD83(CSRS) reference system. New Brunswick remains the only province in Canada to legislate the coordinate system used within its jurisdiction, prescribing both the datum and projection thereof. The datum used in New Brunswick is defined in terms of the values of the Canadian Base Network (CBN) stations determined from version 2.0 (epoch 1997) of the Canadian adjustment prepared by Natural Resources Canada, and subsequent network densification.
Simultaneous establishment and densification of the CBN throughout the province was completed in a co-operative manner between Natural Resources Canada and Service New Brunswick (SNB). The result was a modernized, three-dimensional geodetic network referred to as the New Brunswick High Precision Network (NB-HPN). Based wholly on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations, this high precision network is completely integrated and consistent with the CBN. SNB further densified the NB-HPN by observing NAD83(CSRS) values on existing ground monuments, thereby creating the relationship with the Province’s older conventional network. The conventional network contained approximately 26,000 monuments. Though physical maintenance of the conventional network was abandoned in 1996, SNB preserves the historical data produced for this network. Detailed information for both networks can be found here.
Currently the NB-HPN consists of 135 monuments with published coordinates, including 7 CBN monuments and 9 Active Control Stations (ACS). The ACS form a provincial network of continuously operating geodetic quality GNSS receivers, from which SNB provides public access to continuous Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking data in RINEX file format. These stations are independently owned and operated; SNB licenses the RINEX data for redistribution by means of an online portal. The NB-HPN is an integral part of the Canadian Spatial Reference System.
Following adoption of the Canadian Geodetic Vertical Datum of 2013 (CGVD2013) as the new reference system for heights across Canada, SNB converted the published heights of all NB-HPN monuments to the CGVD2013 reference system. The heights published for the conventional network were not converted. The Province of New Brunswick supports the CGVD2013 reference system. GeoNB is the Province of New Brunswick’s gateway to geographic information and related value-added applications and maps. One of the many applications available through GeoNB is the Coordinate Transformation Service (CTS), an online application for transforming coordinates between current and historical datums and projections used in the province.
Newfoundland and Labrador
The control network for the province of Newfoundland and Labrador consists of about 7,000 permanent surveying markers. The government of Newfoundland and Labrador is promoting the transition from conventional horizontal and vertical networks to the high precision GPS reference network. This is in accordance with the readjustment of the geodetic network of the province from NAD83(Original) to NAD83(CSRS). In order to consult the latest news on the development of the provincial passive control network, users can consult ( ). The provinces precise coordinates can be found on our online mapping platform at - .
More generally, surveying products and services are available from the GIS and Mapping Division and can be found at .
Nova Scotia
In 2012, Nova Scotia adopted a strategy to modernize their provincial geodetic infrastructure and implement a sustainable solution to deliver their coordinate referencing mandate. This led to the deployment of Nova Scotia Active Control Stations (NSACS) forming a network of 40 continuously operating GPS/GNSS reference stations. Under a fee-based subscription model, users can gain access via wireless Internet to the corrections from commercial Network RTK (NRTK) service providers. Files of station tracking data for post-mission processing are made available at no charge through the NRCan web interface.
The NSACS enables province-wide positioning with centimeter accuracy for GNSS users operating in the area covered by the polygon of stations. A typical relative precision of 0.5 ppm is achieved by rovers receiving network corrections inside the polygon. Outside the polygon, the uncertainty can increase to the level of 1 ppm as corrections may originate from a single base station. In post-processing, millimeter level accuracy can be reached depending on the length of the observing session and the location of the station.
The distribution of NSACS is displayed on the GeoNova web-based map interface. Users are encouraged to visit for more information.
Nova Scotia’s passive control network consists of 925 monuments forming the Nova Scotia High Precision Network, coordinated in NAD83(CSRS). There are also over 23,000 monuments established across the province that served as the framework for the previously utilized Average Terrestrial System 1977 (ATS77) datum. These networks are used by professional land surveyors to access the geodetic reference system and control their surveys. An interactive map of the passive network is available at and selecting either the Nova Scotia Coordinate Control System (NSCCS), or Nova Scotia High Precision Network (NSHPN) layer. Full station reports, including coordinates, site description and access information is available for every control point.
More information about the coordinate reference systems of this province can be found at Technical support documentation can be found at
Information on mapping products and services is available from “Geographic Information Services” at
Ontario’s geodetic network comprises more than 125,000 horizontal control monuments and vertical benchmarks. Of these, about 10,300 have been established or re-observed with high-precision GPS surveys and form the HPN layer. While many points were established in collaboration with stakeholders such as the Ministry of Transportation, large municipalities and conservation authorities, the COSINE database is the central repository for authoritative geodetic control within the province. The geodetic network provides high-accuracy reference points over large areas of the province to support, among others, land surveys of property boundaries and the planning and execution of large infrastructure projects. An interactive map showing the spatial distribution of passive control points is available using the Ontario COSINE Viewer. Station information is accessible by selecting one or more layers from the networks “Horizontal/3D”, “Vertical”, “Special/Miscellaneous” and zooming to the area of interest.
See Geodesy | to access COSINE and view the province’s geodetic standards and specifications.
Prince Edward Island
The passive network in this province consists of 4746 monuments. A list of these points as well as their detailed information and sketch maps can be found at Some of the sketches indicate monuments which have been destroyed. It is believed that of the 4746 monuments listed, approximately 3500 remain.
A web app has been created for the passive network and can be found at
The Province has invested in an active control network, consisting of 8 stations located at Alliston (PEAL), Souris (PESO), Morell (PEMO), Charlottetown (PETI), Borden-Carleton (PEAM), North Rustico (PEGS), Ellerslie (PEEL) and Rosebank (PEWI). All stations are installed on buildings owned or maintained by Government to ensure security and stability of the sites. It also allows for easy access to Government I.T. workers and the Chief Surveyors Office to maintain and repair the stations. The network is currently managed by Leica Geosystems through their Smartnet network. Subscriptions for use of the system can be obtained through them. Efforts are being made to have the service available through other supplier’s networks such as Cansel and Brandt.
More generally, surveying products and services are available from “Department of Transportation, Infrastructure, and Energy” in this province that can be found at Government is in the process of migrating information contained in the old website to this one.
In the province of Québec, 18 active GNSS stations have been established and are being maintained by the Ministère de l’Énergie et des Resources naturelles (MERN). The stations are mostly located in populated provincial municipalities. Real-time access is provided free of charge via wireless internet and support RTK positioning from a single-base station. GNSS tracking data can be download free of charge. More information can be found at
The passive network of Quebec province comprises 23,000 with accurate 3D coordinates from GPS surveys (mainly in the populated southern part of the province), 36,000 horizontal control monuments and 10,000 vertical benchmarks. This control infrastructure supports a broad range of user requirements, from the geo-referencing of public roads and land parcel boundaries to the execution of precise engineering and water surveys. More information can be found at
An interactive map of the network is available at the following web addresses: for the mobile version and for the desktop version. The mobile version allows users to navigate the network by selecting the desired layer and zooming in on the area of interest. The desktop version allows users to navigate the network by selecting the desired layer (same as above) and zooming in on the area of interest.
The passive network in Saskatchewan consists of about 9,000 horizontal points and over 15,000 vertical benchmarks. The Saskatchewan Geodetic Dataset is a digital archive of all information pertaining to geodetic control points found in this province. It includes excel tables with site descriptions and coordinates for all markers. A desktop application is also provided to search the tables using a marker name or area surrounding a location. The Geodetic dataset can be downloaded from the Information Service Corporation (ISC) at and