Welcome to the CGRSC
We are a Federal-Provincial working committee of the Canadian Council on Geomatics (CCOG) that plans and coordinates the maintenance and improvement of the Geodetic Reference System in Canada as a standard for the positioning of geographically referenced information related to the Canadian landmass and territorial waters.
The purpose of the committee is to plan and coordinate inter-agency maintenance and improvement of the Geodetic Reference System in Canada and to promote and facilitate the use of the System as the basis for surveys, mapping, and management of spatially referenced information and related activity.
Latest news: NATRF2022 Update
The U.S., as part of its reference frame modernization, plans to replace its North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) with a new North American Terrestrial Reference Frame (NATRF2022), creating 1.3 to 1.5 m horizontal coordinate differences at the Canada-U.S. border with respect to Canada’s NAD83(CSRS). NATRF2022 was originally planned to be rolled out in 2022, however the U.S. National Geodetic Survey has recently announced a delay until approximately 2025 (at the earliest). To begin informing the Canadian geospatial community of the U.S.’ move to NATRF2022, a freely available technical note has been published in GEOMATICA, and a quick reference pamphlet has been prepared.